Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Rumors and Gossip

Two things I hate. But for some damn reason, everyone else is drawn to them like flies to shit. This just popped up on Boing Boing last night... there might be some good ammunition in here:

"A rumor is what you do when you try to figure out the truth with other people,” DiFonzo says. “It’s collective sense making. The classic example is ‘I heard that…’”

Gossip, on the other hand, is sharing information with an agenda, he says. It could be for entertainment or to bond with another person or to reinforce a social norm. Gossip, which may be true, tends to have an edge.

“Gossip is more to do with social networks,” DiFonzo says. “A strong motivation we have as humans is to connect with a group.”

Sharing information with an agenda... very interesting...


At 4:16 PM, Blogger La Espia T. said...

I smell a devil's advocate.

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Santino said...

Excuse me... do I know you?

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Santino said...

Oh, you're the KFC girl from D's blog...

Well, any friend of D's is someone who will inevitably be thrust into my life whereupon I will be forced to make inane conversation with them until I am slowly driven to WoW for days on end. Just ask Maria.

Oh, and nice to meet you.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger La Espia T. said...

Anyone who plays WoW for days on end is bound to have a cynical view of life. You should try Spyro the Dragon.


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